Saturday, January 22, 2011

Apartment Hunting

The hunt for an apartment may seem like an extremely challenging ordeal, but it does not have to be. People looking for an apartment usually have a good experience if they educate themselves on what to look out for, and they have a good idea of what type of apartment they want. The best tool for finding an apartment efficiently is having knowledge. Here are some helpful tips to consider when looking for an apartment. 1. Make sure you know what you want. People who are not sure about what they want can easily get swindled into bad deals. If you want a 2-bedroom apartment, then don’t settle for less. If you know what area of city you want to live in, be sure to stick to your ground. Too many people are very indecisive. Indecisiveness is a weakness that many people try to take advantage of. Knowing what you’re looking for is the first key to success. 2. Use all your resources. Apartments are listed in newspapers, free magazines, small ads, and even “for rent” signs in the front yard. Exploring all options will allow the apartment seeker to have the greatest amount to choose from. The more apartments you have to choose from, the better the chance that you will find the apartment that is perfect for you. 3. Visit the apartment. Too many people sign on the dotted line without ever actually seeing the apartment or the neighborhood. Take time to travel to the apartment and maybe even meet some fellow tenants or neighbors. Actually experiencing the apartment and its surroundings can help make any decision easier. Checking the apartment out can also help avoid pitfalls. Some elements may seem appealing on paper, but are not as such in real life. 4. Additionally, when you are visiting the apartment, do not be afraid of scrutinizing every aspect of the apartment. Look for cracks, bugs, dirty spots, and any other flaws. Be sure to ask the landlord about previous tenants. One of the worst things that can happen to someone is that they rent an apartment and realize that there are major problems that have to be fixed. These problems often cost the renter exurbanite amounts of money. If possible, see how the other tenants like the apartment. Even invite a friend or family member along when you are visiting the apartment. The more opinions you have, the better. 5. Read your contract! Before signing a contract, make sure that you understand what services you are entitled to and all of the costs. Many people have foolishly signed contracts and didn’t realize that they were paying for utilities, or other services. Additionally, make sure you have a fair rent worked out with your landlord. Avoid paying too much for your apartment at all costs. If they advertise the apartment for one price, make sure that that’s the price you are expected to pay. The search for an apartment can sometimes seem very daunting. Some people will try to swindle you and charge you too much, or charge you hidden fees. Being educated about what you are looking for, and scrutinizing the apartment diligently can help protect you from paying too much or having a bad apartment. If you educate yourself, than your apartment search should be simple and enjoyable. Paul Smith writes about a variety of real estate topics, but is presently focusing on how to find a good London apartment.

Relocation Service

In relocating into a new house or office, you are aware of the chaos it may bring to your life. With all the clutter in your house, the planning and preparation of the relocation, choosing the right house, and what to do before and after relocating, who could accomplish these things with just two hands?

The job of a relocation service is to simplify things in moving into a new location. It is their duty to make sure that every little detail you should know about your new house, and all information will be dealt with.

Before anything else, make sure that the relocation service provides you with a relocation policy. These are the guidelines that would provide you with an explanation on the benefits that will be included.

The relocation service’s duty is to assist in home marketing. One of the most vital details of the process of relocation is selling your present home. With an in depth analysis, the relocation service would provide your house’s fair market value. The relocation service will make strategic market plans on how and where to sell your current home. They will be the ones to search for real estate agents and deal with legal matters for you. It is the relocation service’s duty to provide you with the exact or more of your previous house’s value.

Make sure that the relocation service would ask you all important factors you would prefer. Your finances would be considered in choosing the environment and your ideal house.

Before the relocation service could look for a house, you should be able to tell them your asking price. This refers to the price of the house your finances could reach. Next, tell them the neighborhood you would want. Whether it should be near your house, school, shopping malls, banks, park or churches and the public transportation is convenient. Tell them to check the security of the neighborhood.

Last, you should tell them what kind of house you would want to have. It could be brand new or second hand. If second hand, consider the age of the house, the materials used in the house. Make sure to remind your relocation service of the condition of the foundation, your preferences on the exterior and interior, estimated electric and water billing, and the level of electrical and water supply. Whether your dream house is brand new or second hand, you should tell the relocation service specific information on the number of stories, how many bedrooms, bathrooms and closets you want, if you prefer to have carpeting, a fireplace, a backyard, attic, landscaping and any minor details you would wish to purchase.

Another benefit a relocation service could give you is mortgage assistance. They will provide you with the top mortgage companies in your city for financial assistance. Most relocation services are recognized by mortgage companies which could give you a better chance of buying power if necessary.

Relocation services could also provide you with temporary housing. In other words, if they haven’t been able to find your ideal house, and your previous house is not yet sold on the market, this housing assistance could be a convenience to you and your family. These instant houses could be well-furnished depending on your needs with a low cost of rent.

In moving from your old house to your new one, the relocation service provides you with the trust that your personal property and appliances would be transferred properly. Throughout the whole process of moving, you will be informed on every detail the relocation service is doing. With a scheduled plan on transporting everything you asked for, they would provide you a fast settlement.

Not only does the relocation service provide you with utmost care of your property, they also assist you and your family within the first months of settlement into your new house. If needed, they could help you with your finances in fixing utilities and or money to cover the various operating expense of the relocation. Plus, they could help your family adjust into your new neighborhood. If anyone in your family needs a new job, or a baby-sitter for your child, the relocation service provides you with this information.

Estate Investment

This country has experienced unprecedented gains in housing prices over the past five years. With some regional markets expanding at a phenomenal 25% annual average, the investors who got in early have created tremendous wealth. However, in my opinion, this wild roller coaster ride is about to stop on the way up and the people still in the car are going to come crashing down off the tracks.

I recently saw an alarming statistic. The hype and pandemonium of the real estate boom has created a stampede into the industry. More people than ever before are buying real estate strictly for investment purposes. Unfortunately, the majority are doing so with limited or no knowledge whatsoever concerning the pros and cons of owning rental property. Twenty-three percent, almost one-quarter, of all homes purchased in this country in 2004 were investment properties! Not owner-occupied, but pure rental homes.

Since the average buyer doesn’t understand the inherent risks and potential cash-flow problems with this property class, many are feeding cash into their investment every month. For those of us who make a living in the real estate business, negative cash-flow is the cancer of our industry and can lead to a slow financial death. However, the new and uneducated investor doesn’t see this as a problem since he is used to contributing monthly to his investment portfolio via his weekly paycheck. His only rescue from this negative cash-flow dilemma is an increase in value of the underlying property. In the simplest term, he is a speculator.

Professional speculators have made a ton of money in real estate and other industries for centuries. These superstars aren’t your ordinary people. They understand supply and demand relationships, market timing, growth patterns, and economic cycles. I dare say the overwhelming majority of people buying real estate today as an investment doesn’t fit into the professional category. As a matter of fact, the uneducated investor is often the customer who ends up lining the pocket of the professional speculator.

If you have been fortunate enough to experience the thrilling ride of the housing roller coaster, I encourage you to contemplate getting off and moving on to a more predictable, long-term investment. Find a real estate vehicle that will provide income as well as capital appreciation. Manufactured housing communities are in an asset class that can deliver both of these benefits.

Mobile home parks have slowly become the “step-children” of the real estate investing community. Due to the collapse of the mobile home financing industry over the past five years, many of the parks in this country have become neglected, highly vacated, and undesirable wastelands. Politicians are fighting to get rid of them due to the element of society they often accommodate and the eye sore the property becomes in the path of growth and development. Eliminating a mobile home park frees up valuable land needed for the current surge in the construction of stick-built housing.

So, you have an investment class that local governments are trying to force into extinction. On top of that, demand is currently low because so much money has recently been made in the single-family housing sector. Why would anyone want to move their investment funds into a mobile home park?

Affordable housing will always be required in this country. The average American must have shelter, it’s a basic need. When the housing crisis hits and interest rates rise, foreclosures will be at an all-time high and many people are going to be forced out of their current home. A destroyed credit rating will drive these people into the rental market or into some type of “owner financed” property. Not ready to give up on the American dream of home ownership, they will begin to look strongly at the manufactured housing alternative. Large living space and low pricing will be very attractive. I believe the demand will be tremendous and large lending institutions will begin to get back into the manufactured housing “game”. The interest rates for these loans will be higher than traditional mortgage rates and one or more large lenders will figure out how to turn a profit.

The mobile home buyer certainly needs a piece of land to place the home on. Parks provide the infrastructure and amenities to accommodate this need at a very reasonable cost. As home sales begin to increase, the demand for suitable mobile home park lots will heat up. The investors who own these parks will be in an ideal position as they can increase rents and still fill their empty lots. Unlike traditional housing projects, development barriers will be high and I feel this will create a huge shortage in available lots to place mobile homes.

You couldn’t ask for a better situation as a park owner. High demand, coupled with low supply creates a financial windfall for the astute investor. Cash flows will be tremendous and values will sky rocket, much like the feeding frenzy going on right now in the single-family home market. Cap rates will drop on this asset class and the large REITs will probably start paying unbelievable prices for the large, well-kept parks.

I’ve been in the business several years now and it’s a great time to buy. While the masses of park owners are crying, “sell, sell, sell”, some of us are quietly acquiring turn around parks. Most of the parks are initially at a break even or small positive cash flow position, but by implementing our system we are able to steadily increase cash flow and quickly increase value. But, even better than that, we are positioning ourselves to benefit from the potential flood of customers into our market.

I urge you to take a long look at the mobile home park investment. But, don’t wait too long. The secret is starting to get out of the bag as West Coast investors are becoming educated about this investment and its benefits. Investors from California and Arizona have purchased several parks in the Southeast in the past 12 months. Who knows, there may come a time when a good, solid mobile home park will be purchased for more than the asking price…a bidding war. Hey, it’s happening in several single-family home markets throughout the country right now. Wouldn’t you like to be the seller taking that check to the bank?